Week six in REasons to REad God's REvelation

Today is REinvigorate Me.  Psalm 119:28  "My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word."

Dear Lord, how many times my soul is filled with sorrow at the condition of our world and the hatred and violence that is ever common on the news.  In our world, in our country and our neighborhoods.  Some times it hard to see the sunshine behind the clouds, but in this wonderful verse you have promised our strength comes not from our circumstances but from YOUR WORD.  You tell us over and over again, you are with us, and will never leave us.  We know the end of the story and there will come a time when we will reign with You in Your Kingdom.  But until then, Lord help me saturate myself with the Word of God.  Then and only then will I truly be reinvigorated.   I love You.  Amen.


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