Luke 2:10 (NLT)
       ……… great joy to all people……….

Father, in this Christmas season, celebrating the birth of your son, I marvel at the mystery of his incarnation into human history, the majesty of his annunciation by angelic beings and the jubilation of humble shepherds as they saw and shared the good news of the Savior lying in a manger.  

And Father, such joy is not just in the event, but, especially in the experience of what it meant and would come to mean for countless millions of people in all walks of life. It certainly means the joy of a promise fulfilled, the joy of sins forgiven, the joy of peace of mind for all who believe, the joy of hope renewed and the joy of a future guaranteed. It is joy that the human heart can never contain. It is, Father, as the Apostle Peter so profoundly said:    ….a glorious, inexpressible joy.” 1 Peter 1:8 (NLT)


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