God's Mistletoe

God has given us the Bible as a means of knowing Him and enjoying his presence.  It is a catalyst for worship.  As Peter Kreeft so aptly stated, "Reading the Bible is putting yourself in the way, standing in God's great waterfall of 'living water'.  ...If you stand in the Bible, you'll get kissed by God.  It's God's mistletoe."

Dear Heavenly Father, when your sent your Son to this earth to be born of a virgin, live and minister, serve and die on a cross for our sins you were showing Your incredible love.  Then you gave us the Word of God, the Bible, and that again showed your great love for us.  Now we have Your Word, to be our road map for life.  Truly I do feel kissed by You when I stand in your Word.  Thank you for the mistletoe of your love, thank you for the Bible.  I love You, I love your Word.  Amen.


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