
Dear Lord,
My tummy is tied in knots every time I think about it. There is nothing much I can do except to lay my heart before you and pray for my wayward child. I know you love him more than I could ever hope to imagine. I cannot follow him, I cannot change his ways, and I cannot even begin to know the depths of his hurting heart, but as a mother, I ache. I ache for my son, I ache for my daughter in law, and I ache for my dear, sweet grandchildren. I ache. Lord God, years ago I prayed that You would do whatever it took to bring my boy back to You. For a time he seemed to have returned. He is wandering again, farther than ever before. His marriage is disintegrating and he is headed for trouble. Please help. "Lord, remember David..." (Ps. 132:1)  Amen

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