prayer begins with worship

Prayer begins with worship. When we pray, we are acknowledging who God is and that we need Him desperately. We are recognizing His power and His Sovereignty. We are bowing before Him in honor and reverence.

When we look at the example of prayer that Jesus gave us in Matthew 6:9-13, known as 'The Lord's Prayer', we see the importance of beginning with worship in the very first verse of that passage of scripture.
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name". When we pray this, we are agreeing that God is who He says He is and that He can do what He says He can do. Hallow is translated from hagiazo and means 'holy, to set apart, to make a person or thing the opposite of common'. 

When we pray to our heavenly Father, we acknowledge His holiness and the fact that He is set apart from man and is the One true God.  Our worship of the Father has begun. We bow before Him and give Him full authority over our lives. He is holy. He is all power.

When the storms in our lives are raging and the circumstances seem to threaten, begin to worship in prayer. Once we attribute to God all that He is due, our hearts will be ready to submit to His will and our prayer lives will flourish. He is so worthy.

Prayer is a discipline that when exercised, will give
you a greater intimacy with Your Father, but when
neglected, will make you feel distanced from Him." 
 - Kay Arthur

Our sweet Father, may we never take for granted the awesomeness of who you are. Help us to always begin our prayers with worship of your power and your majesty. Your holiness and your sovereignty.  Let us bow before you and submit fully to your authority and your will. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of being able to worship you in spirit and in truth. You are worthy!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. I bow before my Lord. For the kingdom, the power and glory is His.

  2. We worship and adore You....we bow humbly before you.

  3. Yes, we so desperately need Him. I bow with you all today in worship.

  4. I stand in awe of Him! thank you Ed, Wanda and Bob for affirming what He spoke to me.

  5. Amen! We must have a proper biblical view of our Holy God when we pray or we mays as well be praying to a tree.


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