out of work, but not crushed

today's prayer is for everyone who is out of work, especially my friends david and chris

from 2 corinthians

we are hard pressed on every side
but not crushed
but not abandoned
struck down
but not destroyed

we always carry around on our body the death of jesus
so that the life of jesus may be revealed in our body

and on this day, dear lord, we pray for our friends, our neighbors, our families and all those who are seeking employment... that they may find their destiny

so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen
for what is seen is temporary, but what us unseen is eternal

may the lord be with you in your times of joy
and your moments of trial

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. I just love this passage, it brings me so much hope.

  2. Amen! And Please for my blogger friend and brother in the Lord Pastor Gregg to find work soon.
    You can check out his site here:

  3. love this prayer, Ed. so many people out of work and things are just tough. i will be praying for your friends and for Pastor gregg as well!

  4. Amen to prayers for David, Chris and Gregg. I will add my friends Clark, Lisa, Adam, Barbara, and Lisa to the list.

  5. This is a great prayer! It is IMPORTANT to remember that we are pilgrim on our way through to our home. If we lose sight of that things start to seem overwhelming.
    Following you back form the Blog Hop.
    Thanks for linking up!


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