A prayer for times of mourning

Tomorrow it will be one month since my father died. I did OK through his final illness, death, and the period immediately afterwards. But it has caught up with me now. The tears are flowing freely. And so I pray for God's strength to guide me through the tears in His time.

I found this lovely prayer on A Concord Pastor Comments. It touched my soul in tender places, and I share it with you now in hopes that others who grieve may also find comfort.

Dear God,

There is an empty chair at our table,
an ache in our hearts
and tears on our faces.

We may try to shield one another
from the grief we bear
but we cannot hide it from you.

We pray for (names)
whose presence we miss
in these homecoming days.

Open our eyes and our hearts
to the healing and warmth
of the light of your presence.

Assure us, Lord, that those we miss
have a place at your table
and a home in your heart
as well as in ours.

Open our hearts to joyful memories
of the love we shared
with those who have gone before us.

Help us tell the stories
that make the past present
and bring us close to those we miss.

Teach us to lean on each other
and on you, Lord,
for the strength we need
to walk through difficult times.

Give us quiet moments
with you, with our thoughts,
with our memories and prayers.

Be with us, Lord,
and hold us in your arms
even as you hold those whom we miss.

This is the day you have made, Lord:
help us to rejoice in it
and in the promise of your peace.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Oh Sue, how this touches my heart too.

    I lost my Dad many years ago, and my mom 20 years ago, but I still remember how after being strong for the family ~~a month or so later...my tears flowed and that is a good thing.

    I'm reminded of the Scripture that says God keeps out tears in a bottle and they are precious to Him.

    Loving you today, and praying for you in this season of your greiving.

  2. my heart hurts with you my friend. i lost my sweet daddy over 16 years ago when i was 32 and he was 58.... my heart still hurts in a major way as i miss him so!

  3. "Teach us to lean on each other
    and on you, Lord,
    for the strength we need
    to walk through difficult times."

    Amen Sue. Leaning with you.

  4. My dad has been gone just 18 months now. I still think of him every day and there are times when the tears still flow. Grief comes in waves. The intensity and frequency lessons with time, but I'm sure I'll always miss him.

  5. I lost my uncle, my father-in law, and my mother all in the latter half of 2010. This April it will be 2 years since my closest friend left this earth for the Heavenly Kingdom. All I can say through the tears is echo the words of Job. "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of The Lord."

    Love and consolation to all of you today.


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