For Doug and others who battle cancer

My good friend Doug is in his early 50s and has been recently diagnosed with hyper parathyroid dysplasia (HPD) and medullary thyroid cancer (MTC). One of the most recognized doctors in the world, when it comes to MTC, is attending Doug at MD Andersen hospital in Houston, Texas. Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. Please join me in prayer for Doug and others who battle cancer.

Lord, the word cancer strikes fear in the hearts of so many.. please calm the fears in those who have cancer, their family and their friends.

Lord, man has not found a cure for cancer yet.. please give researchers wisdom concerning the disease and how it may be cured.

Lord, some say that cancer is incurable.. we say that all things are possible with you.. we ask for miracles both divine and medical.

Lord, we ask for Doug and the many others who face surgery in the coming days, weeks and months. Please give the surgeons wisdom and steadiness of hand. Help everyone who is involved in these surgeries to experience that blessed peace that passes all understanding.

Lord, we join lifted hands and hearts in the giving of thanks to you for the miracles achieved by you through the hands of others and by means unknowable.

To you Lord be the glory.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. In Jesus Name Amen!

  2. Adding my prayers for Doug, and all those facing this dreaded illness.
    Lord, you have said ask.... and we are asking in Your will you will touch Doug.

  3. A few brief comments from Doug about the surgery:

    The results of the surgery appear to be great! We still have to wait for the pathology report next week, but in the mean time the tumor I had is gone.
    Thanks to everyone who has spent time praying for us! Thank you God for answering. I can't think of a prayer that has not been answered.

    Please continue to pray for his recovery and the effects of removing the thyroid and two parathyroid glands.


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