For Joann and those who mourn

Just heard that Joann, a coworker from the 70s and 80s lost Dave today, her husband of 30+ years. Please join me in prayer.

Father, thank you for the hope of heaven and how you care for those who die. We celebrate Dave's homecoming today.

Jesus, thank you for your presence in times of trial. We ask you to comfort and help Joann, and others who mourn, at this difficult time.

Holy Spirit, thank you for the way that you work through others in times like this. Please send friends to minister to Joann, and others who are hurting, during times like these.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Please stand by Joann, dear Lord, and others who are felling great loss. Be near them as they grieve and may they feel your gentle touch.

  2. Lord please reach down and put your loving and conforting arms around Joann and all those feeling this tremendous loss.


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