A Prayer of Faith

"Holy Father, I am so weak. I want to trust You, but it is so hard to walk "by faith" when I can't see what You are doing. You are my Steadfast Rock. I desire to look only to You. I want to believe You for what I don't understand, what I cant see, and what doesn't make sense to me. Give me the power through your Holy Spirit to begin pounding the nails into "my ark." May I become one who pleases You because I walk by faith. ~ Amen"

Taken from Calm my Anxious Heart, Linda Dillow


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen. Open the eyes of our hearts Lord. We want to see you.

  2. Hi Wanda

    I would like to add my Amen to your very good post!


  3. Ah, yes, Lord! Help me to trust You completely and not lean on my own understanding.


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