Urgent Prayer Request for Haiti

My heart breaks when I think of all the problems that Haiti has had since that devastating earthquake at the beginning of this year. A friend sent me this prayer request from Terry Snow, founder and national director of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Haiti:
We'd like to call people to prayer for our city and the countryside surrounding it. There seems to be an outbreak of some kind of a water-borne disease where people who contract it come down with severe diarrhea resulting in death within 24-48 hours. We do not have concrete numbers of how many have actually died to date, only scattered reports from Haitians seeking aid and purified water saying; "Many, Many, Many people are dead or sick!" The hospital in St Marc is filling up with cases and our clinic down the road has been made ready for overflow.

Symptoms point to Cholera but that has not been confirmed, test result due in today. If it is Cholera the problem isn't medicine, they claim they have the cure, but getting it to the people in time. We are focused on three things, distribution of purified water, transportation of the sick and education on sanitation.
They are asking in specific for us to:
  • Pray for protection to all health workers and volunteers in the area.
  • Pray for a quick diagnosis so that correct treatment can be administered immediately.
  • Pray for those who have already lost loved ones.
  • Pray for peace in the countryside and for protection for those who live in the high risk areas that may not have access to clean water.
Please join me today in praying for the people in Haiti.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Lord Jesus,
    Please be with Pastor Elize and Jessula as they just returned home to Haiti today after many weeks here with family. Put your hand of protection upon them and give them the resources to rebuild their church and help those in their path. They will be on my heart for many days to come.


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