He Knows My Name....

For those of you who have prayed for my cousin Jim in a Prison Medical Facility ~~ Praise God, "He knows my name, He sees each tear that fall, and He hears me when I call."

After finding the address of the Medical Facility I have written two letters to my cousin, encouraging him to accept the Gospel. I've heard nothing. Then this morning the phone rang, and it was Jim.

We talk about where he is, how he's doing, and I shared the Gospel again. Praise God, he is responding to my reaching out to him, and he's responding to the Gospel.

We will take it one step at a time. He will probably be in for a year, and I've covenanted with him that I will write him weekly. I will send him postage to write back to me.

Please continue to pray that God will do a mighty work in Jim's heart and life!

Thank you again, praying bloggers.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


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