Your Rod and Staff

Guest Post by John Dobbs:

Dear Lord,

As I take my time praying through this Psalm, I am always caught off guard by the way it touches the dusty corners of my heart. Your Word reaches so throughly into my hurts, my struggles, my weaknesses, my inadequacies, my humanness. Always with Your relentless desire to rescue me from myself … and convincing me that Your love has indeed saved me.

Your rod reminds me that You are perfectly capable of fending all enemies. I’ve been lied to so many times that the truth doesn’t always sound true. The Enemy has filled my mind with a thousand “what ifs” and “if onlys” and “why do you thinks” and other questions designed to raise my doubting heart. It is only when I take my eyes off of You that I can entertain such distractions.

When I see Your words, I am humbled by Your wisdom.

When I see Your deeds, I am breathless in amazement by Your power.

When I see Your love, I am ashamed, but accepting.

When I see Your tomb, I hear the echo of its emptiness.

And then I remember that Your rod comforts me. I do not have to defeat the enemies of the cross, or my life, nor The Wolf, for it has been done.

Your staff reminds me that I am never out of reach. Gently You continue to guide me along this journey. As long as I am within sight of Your staff, I am within reach of Your care. In such a way I am free to be who You made me.

Yes, Lord, Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Keep me near to you so that I may often look up and be reminded of Your power. You are able to completely fulfill every duty of being my Shepherd. I will be satisfied to be a sheep under your direction and protection.


You can read more of John Dobbs' work at his blog: Out Here Hope Remains.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Thank you for that beautiful prayer today.....It blessed me. Lori

  2. WOW! AMEN!

    Jon Dobbs' blog is quite amazing. Thank you for making us aware of him, Bill.

  3. Amen. So much comfort in knowing the Lord as my Shepherd.


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