chase us, Lord

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"

Don’t let us run away. Again.

Right now, someone is afraid to turn to you, Lord. They are ashamed.
They did something you did not want them to do. In a moment of weakness, they turned their back on you. And now, they are simply avoiding you.

They have been down this road before and have failed you once again. So they are embarrassed to come into your presence. Feeling unworthy to read your Word. Afraid to speak with you in prayer. If they stay away, maybe you will forget. Maybe they will forget. They just can’t come seeking your forgiveness. Again.

At a time when they need you the most Lord, they are running in the other direction.

I know. I was there.

Don’t let your children drift away, Lord Jesus. You have already paid the price for our sins. Make it easy for your children to know that you still love them. How much you love them. They need to know that how much you would still welcome them into their house.

At our worst, we feel unlovable. At our worst, we need you more than ever.

Chase us, Lord. When we should be chasing after you.

Don’t let us run away. Again.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Oh I hope many people read this prayer, Ed.

    I never want to run away.... Oh Lord help me to run to You.

  2. Amen Ed. Your prayer reminded me of how the Holy Spirit is sometimes called the Hound of Heaven because He is always pursuing us and chasing us down.


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