False Accusations

Dear Lord,

This night please be with those who are falsely accused, those who must stand before judges and juries, humiliated and slandered, judged and sentenced for crimes they never committed. May they take comfort in Your presence, remembering that You paid the ultimate price so we could be free. And Lord, because it is impossible for us to know who is innocent and who is guilty, please keep us on our knees in prayer always bringing before Your throne those who are facing these battles. Please, Father God, be with Joe S. and "Uncle Sam".

And, please help my memory on Thursday evenings when I should be posting my prayers. It isn't that I have nothing to pray for, it's that I sometimes get distracted. Forgive me please.



Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen to that! Martha, I was just sharing with my ladies at Bible Study, Satan is the accuser but Jesus the Righteous One is our defense.

    I John 2:1 "We have one who speaks to the Father in or defense, Jesus Christ the Righteous One".

    So glad to have Jesus as my lawyer.

  2. Grace to these who stand falsely accused Martha.. and peace to you.

    Blessings, Bob

  3. please pray for the falsely accused by the police,god be the witness,shame the devil.

    1. Praying that God's mercy and justice prevails Janice.


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