personal prayer request

We received a call last night that our 21 year old granddaughter passed out in the shower. She is getting checked out and will have a CT scan soon. Please join me in praying for her, and any others that have medical needs at this time.

Dear Lord, Ruler of All, and Great Physician, in your tender mercy and compassion, and in your perfect will I pray that you will reach down and touch Monique and also a blogger friend Abraham Lincoln who is suffering from lung problems and is having so much trouble breathing.
You alone have the answers Lord, give us your comfort and peace. We love and adore You. Amen

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Agreeing with you in prayer Wanda and adding a few others that need healing as well.

  2. Also agreeing in prayer, dear Father. Please put Your hand on our friends and family, touch their hearts, heal their wounds, and change their lives.

  3. And I'm praying in agreement too. AMEN!


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