Two books have been very helpful in my prayer life over the years. One is my Worship Bible which has prayers that help you put a passage or verse into a prayer. I love these as they are simple, and in everyday language.

On the other hand, the book that has touch me so very deeply in my prayer life is just the opposite. It's old English. It was published the year I was born, 1941 and the Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie are profound in substance. Today I will share one of his daily prayers.

"O God, ever blessed, who hast given me the night for rest and the day for labour and service, grant that the refreshing sleep of the night now past may be turned to Thy greater glory in the life of the day now before me. Let it breed no slothfulness within me, but rather send me to more diligent action and more willing obedience.

Teach me, O God, so to use all the circumstances of my life today that they may bring forth in me the fruits of holiness rather than the fruits of sin.

Let me use disappointment as material for patience:
Let me use success as material for thankfulness:
Let me use suspense as material for perseverance:
Let me use danger as material for courage:
Let me use reproach as material for longsuffering:
Let me use praise as material for humility:
Let me use pleasure as material for temperance:
Let me use pains as material for endurance.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who for the joy that was set before Thee didst endure the Cross, despising the shame, and art now set down at the right hand of the throne of God, let me consider Thee who didst endure such contradiction of sinners against Thyself, lest I be wearied and faint in my mind.

Holy God, I would remember before Thee all my friends and those of my own household, beseeching Thee that in Thy great love Thou wouldst keep them also free from sin, controlling all their deeds and this day in accordance with Thy most perfect will.


This wonderful little prayer book as morning and evening prayers for each day of the month. I have read and prayed them over and over, and somehow this old syle brings reverence to my soul.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Will need to bookmark this one Wanda. This is a prayer you can post every day. Powerful words, I hope to make this prayer my own. Lord, send me to more diligent action and more willing obedience.

  2. I love this prayer.. the "let me use" section is simply beautiful Wanda. I agree with Ed.. I will be back to pray this one again.

  3. I agree.... Something in these prayer by this dear Saint...reach into the deepness of my soul and bring me face to face with my precious Lord.
    Every day is as good as this one... I will post more!
    Blessing on both of you today, Ed and Bob.


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