lost and found

But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. (Luke 15:32)

Lord, can you forgive me?

This will sound like a movie you have seen over and over again, but I have sinned against heaven and against you. In my thoughts and actions. In what I have done and what I have failed to do. I am unworthy of your love.

Too many times, Lord, my eyes have been closed and my ears shut. I have put entertainment, ambition and spiritual apathy above your mission. It could be easy to stay away… pass through the wide gate… continue down the broad road.

But then I hear these words. Good news of great joy that will be for all people. And I understand that when you say all people, you still mean me. And I am humbled.

Lord please forgive me. I want to come home. Again.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Bob and Ed -

    There are so many of us prodigals coming home - myself included - through the narrow gate. With the size of that throng, we may not be able to walk side by side, so we'll have to take each other by the hand!

    Following along...


  2. I will join the prodigals, and rejoice like watching a movie over and over, forgiveness is repeated every time we need it. If you will confess your sins He is faithful to forgive those sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.... Thank God for the Bathtub verse we can run too.
    Thanks Ed.... Good prayer for today.

  3. Bob, Ed and Sue ~~ An urgent prayer request. I just got an email from Jose (blogger friend) "Joe Cool's Blog, and Arizona, but it's a Dry Heat" that his wife, Sylvia passed away yesterday morning of an heart attack. This is very sudden, and she is in her late forties. I have been blog friends with Jose since my first posts in 2007. He and his wife are believers, so I know Sylvia is in heaven, but my heart is breaking and tears are streeming down my cheeks for my dear friend Jose. Please join me in prayer for him and his family as this has come on Christmas..... Thanks you.

  4. I can't believe I am back with another heartbreaking prayer request. Another dear blogger friend Janice Thompson just emailed me that her son Jeffrey passed away last week with a massive heart attack. In good health?? Didn't drink or smoke...gone! He is 36 and leaves a wife and two small children. Please add Janice and family to your prayers.


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