It may be time to slow down a bit.

Perhaps more than ever when we prepare for Christmas, it's easy to get caught up in the "busy-ness" of life. Buying and wrapping gifts, addressing and mailing cards, baking and packaging the cookies... All these things can create a "noise" that keeps us from recognizing our true priorities. So I pray:

Slow me down, Lord.
Sometimes I find myself going 100 miles an hour.

Too fast to see you.
Too fast to hear you.
Too fast to feel your touch.
Too fast to know your will for me.

Today, Lord, help me to step off the treadmill
And wait for you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen Lord.. help me to feel your presence today.

  2. I saw a woman whose car had broken down on the highway. I wanted to stop and help, but I was going to fast. It's hard to make a difference when you spend all your time in the passing lane. Thanks for this prayer today NC Sue.

  3. What a great reminder. Today I stepped off the treadmill and took some Christmas goodies to my next door neighbor, and a dear little lady down the street who still lives alone at 92.
    When se slow down and pray.... God gives us time to do the right things.
    Thanks Sue... so glad you have joined us on Daily Prayer


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