Praying Psalm 82

Your wisdom is above all others Lord.. you are all knowing.. you are competent to judge all.. blessed is your name.

Mankind judges unjustly and often shows partiality to the wicked? Forgive us Lord and give us compassionate and discerning hearts.

Please give justice to the weak and the fatherless.. you are an advocate for the afflicted and the destitute.. your mercies never fail.

We ask you to rescue the weak and the needy.. deliver them Lord from the hand of the wicked and encourage them in their time of need.

Reveal yourself dear Lord to those who have neither knowledge nor understanding and walk about in darkness.

We ask you to shake the foundations of the earth and awaken all flesh to seek you and to become like your Son.

Cause us to be wise Lord.. teach us to listen to the still small voice of your Spirit.

Arise, O God, judge the earth.. we place our trust in your loving hands.. you are good and your mercy endures forever!


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