Praying Psalm 81

We sing aloud to you Lord.. you are our strength.. we shout for joy to you.. the God of our inheritance!

With our voices in harmony with the tambourine, guitars and trumpets we will make a sweet melody of worship.

We rejoice in the scriptures and revel in knowing that you are the One who did miracles then and also today!

We rejoice that you are the One who bears our burdens and ministers to us when we are weak and distressed.

In distress we call out to you Lord.. asking for deliverance we pray with confidence because you love us.

We rejoice that you answer prayer.. in the secret place we will find you.. when all else fails you will never fail us.

We ask for help when we are tested Lord.. when trials come we ask you for wisdom.. we ask for help to be faithful and to persevere.

You alone are God.. there is no other.. blessed be your name.. we will be still and know you are God.

We rejoice that you have given us new hearts.. soft hearts.. hearts that long to know you more.. strengthen our hearts Lord.

Give us an ear to hear you Lord.. help us to hear your voice and to walk in your ways.. you are worthy of our devotion Lord.

We rejoice in your provision for us Lord.. at the cross you provided salvation.. everything we need is in you. Hallelujah!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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