Praying Psalm 83

O God, do not keep silence.. do not hold your peace or be still, O God! We need your presence.

When the enemies of our souls make an uproar.. speak peace to the storm and help us to know that we are safe.

When those enemies lay crafty plans against us.. turn their plans into your plans and cause us to triumph in your name.

When those enemies say “Come, let us wipe them out as a people".. cause us to call to you in worship and let you fight the battle.

We remember that you are greater than the enemies of our souls.. you are the lover of our souls.. we will rest in you.

You have brought us through great trials in past days Lord and you will continue to shepherd us through times of trouble.

You are our Creator.. you formed us and made us who we are.. you have given us new hearts to trust and love you.. we praise you.

Let those who fight against you come to their senses and feel your presence.. fill their hearts with love for you and those around them.

Let all of the earth rejoice in the resurrection of your Son and experience your love for them today.

You are worthy to be adored.. you have given your all for us.. we worship you.. we give ourseleves afresh to you today.

You alone, whose name is the Lord, are the Most High over all the earth.


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