Praying Psalm 80

Give ear to our prayer Lord.. hear our cry dear heavenly Shepherd.. you who are enthroned above the angels.. please shine on us.

We are in need of you Lord.. we need your help.. we need your salvation.. we need your presence.. without you we are weak.

Restore us to you O Lord of hosts.. let your face shine on us that we may be delivered!

We give thanks to you O Lord God of hosts because you have heard your people's prayers.. you are near to them who weep and hurt.. you are full of compassion.

Restore us to you O Lord of hosts.. let your face shine on us that we may be delivered!

We remember your past works in our lives.. we are comforted knowing that you were with us in our trials.. and we rejoice in your presence today.

We do not understand the troubles that we are experiencing.. we cannot grasp your workings in us with our heads.

Help us to trust you Lord with all of our hearts.. teach us to live from our hearts.. to hear your voice and to love even in our pain.

Let our hands be your hands Lord.. make us strong for yourself.. increase our faith.. give us boldness in these troubling times.. glorify your name in us.

We shall not turn back from you.. you have given us life.. you have the words of life.. we will call upon your name.. we will hope in you!

Restore us to you O Lord of hosts.. let your face shine on us that we may be delivered!

Praise you Lord Jesus Christ!


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