A prayer for renewal

Lord, renew me by Your Spirit as I offer these prayers to You:

May I keep the commandments of the Lord my God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him. May I follow the Lord my God and fear Him; may I keep Your commandments, hear Your voice, serve You, and hold fast to You. (Deuteronomy 8:6; 13:4)

May I know God and serve Him with a whole heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every motive behind the thoughts. (1 Chronicles 28:9)

May I love the Lord my God and serve Him with all my heart and with all my soul. (Deuteronomy 11:13)

May I love my enemies, do good to those who hate me, bless those who curse me, and pray for those who mistreat me. Just as I want others to do to me, may I do to them in the same way. (Luke 6:27–28,31)

Taken from Kenneth Boa,. Handbook to Prayer: Praying Scripture back to God.  (1999) 

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


So thankful that we serve a God of the IMPOSSIBLE! He is able to do MIRACLES and WONDERS. 

He is able to do what we can’t!

He brings PEACE and COMFORT. 

He is ALL that we need. 

Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE with our God…

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer for hospitality towards others

Jesus of Nazareth,

You met unlikely people in unlikely places and joined yourself to them in friendship. May we be like you in this way, finding friends at crossroads and bus-stops, in question and crises, in kindness and curiosity. Because we, like you. need the company of others. 

Jesus of the table, 

You gathered unexpected people around hearths of hospitality. You stretched out your hand for grapes and bread, for wine and welcome. May we populate our tables with all kinds of people. Because at the table our hearts can be glad. 


(from Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community)

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

help me to change

Dear Lord,

You know my struggles, my sufferings and trials.
Help me to change the way that I see these things.

Give me a new outlook.
Help me to live with a hopeful perspective.

When challenges come and life seems dark,
Bless me to overcome and help my eyes to see the light.

I give you thanks for using all things to make me like you.
To you be all glory and praise.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


Oh God of the Open Ear, teach me to live by prayer as well as by providence, for myself, soul, body, children, family, church; Give me a heart frameable to thy will; so might I live in prayer, and honor thee, being kept from evil, known and unknown.  Help me to see the sin that accompanies all I do, and the good I can distil from everything.
Let me know that the work of prayer is to bring my will to thine, and without this it is folly to pray.

Father may this prayer of the Puritans, be my heartfelt prayer!  Bring my will into Yours!  Amen

The Valley of Vision
Puritan Prayers

A prayer as your embrace the silence of a noisy world

Dear God,
    Speak gently in my silence.
    When the loud outer noises of my surroundings
    and the loud inner noises of my fears
    keep pulling me away from you,
    help me to trust that you are still there
    even when I am unable to hear you.
    Give me ears to listen to your small, soft voice saying:
    “Come to me, you who are overburdened,
    and I will give you rest.…
    for I am gentle and humble of heart.”
    Let that loving voice be my guide.

Taken from Henri Nouwen,  With Open Hands. Second revised edition. (2006)

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer for love and truth


Bless the works of our hands, our minds, our hearts, that they might bear fruit for your greater purposes.

May our life this day be rendered first as service to you.

Teach us, O God, to take into account your mercy, your sacrifice, your creation, your forgiveness, your redemption, and unshakeable love. 

Reminds us of the truths of your grace and forgiveness, giving us the hope to choose to embrace them again and again. 

Shape our thoughts by your truth, as you shape our hearts by your love. 

Illuminate our heart, our paths, our vision so that we may clear see your true and your love.


Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,
    your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
    your justice like the great deep.
    You, Lord, preserve both people and animals.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
    People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast on the abundance of your house;
    you give them drink from your river of delights.
For with you is the fountain of life;
    in your light we see light. (Psalm 36:5-9)

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a hopeful prayer

Father of all Hope,

We ask you for eyes that see a time when things are better.

We pray for perseverance as we travel this hard road.

We intercede for our sickness asking to be whole.

We give thanks that you bring beauty from ashes.

We praise you for your love and presence in our lives.

You are Lord and you work all together for our good.

In the name of Jesus we say amen.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer to develop empathy

Teach us Lord,

To take time to really hear what our family and friends are saying.

To see with our inner eyes and feel what others are feeling.

To enter into the suffering of others knowing you are with us.

To walk with the poor, the sick and the dying.

To love others the way that you love them.

Amen. And Amen.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

A prayer to find God in the midst of life's turmoil



    There are times when I need to be an island,
    Set in an infinite sea
    Cut off from all that comes to me
    But surrounded still by thee.
    Times of quiet and peace
    When traffic and turmoil cease
    When I can be still and worship thee
    Lord of the land and sea.
    Full tide and ebb tide
    Let life rhythms flow
    Ebb tide, full tide
    How life’s beat must go.


    I must be part of the mainland,
    A causeway between me and others.
    There are times when I can only find thee
    In working with my brothers.
    Times of business and industry
    Freeing ourselves from captivity.
    It’s when we give a helping hand
    We meet you, Lord of sea and land.
    Ebb tide, full tide
    Let life rhythms flow
    Full tide, ebb tide
    How life’s beat must go.

Adam, David. 1985. The Edge of Glory: Prayers in the Celtic Tradition. London: SPCK Classics.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

A Prayer for Our Work

Richly bless the work before us, Father.

Shepherd us well 

lest we grow enamored of our own accomplishment or entrenched in old habit.

Instead let us listen for Your voice, 

our hearts ever open to the quiet call of Your Spirit in this endeavor.

You alone, O God,

by your gracious and life-giving Spirit 

have power to knit our imperfect hearts, our weaknesses, our strengths,

our stories, and our gifts, one to another.

Unite Your people and multiply our meager offerings, O Lord, that all might resound to Your glory.

May our acts of service and creation, 

frail and wanting as they are, 

be met and multiplied by the mysterious workings of Your Spirit ,

who weaves all things together toward a redemption.

May our love and our labors now echo your love and your labors, O Lord.

Let all that we do here, in our brief lives, in this brief moment to love for for your glory.

O Spirit of God,

now shape our hearts.

O Spirit of God,

now guide our hands.

O Spirit of God,
now build Your kingdom among us. 

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer for compassion

Merciful Lord,

Help us to make other's well-being our goal.

Help us seek to be there for our friends and neighbors.

Help us to be empathetic to their pains, wounds, and sadness.

Teach us to rejoice when others succeed and are doing well.

Teach us to see you in the lives of others.

Teach us to be a blessing to all who we encounter.

In all things and at all times, make us your agents of compassion.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


Dear Father God, may we put the Scripture into our daily lives.  Help us to rejoice aways, no matter what we are going through.  Like the Apostle Paul, rejoicing in all circumstances, even shipwreck!  Give us thankful hearts, remembering that we were once lost, but now are found, sinners lost and going to hell, and now saved my your mercy and grace and going to spend eternity with You.  We long to do your will, and it's your will that we rejoice, pray and give thanks!  Amen.

Open your hands when you pray

"When you want to pray, then, the first question is: How do I open my closed hands? Certainly not by violence. Nor by a forced decision. Perhaps you can find your way to prayer by carefully listening to the words the angel spoke to Zechariah, Mary, the shepherds, and the women at the tomb: “Don’t be afraid.” Don’t be afraid of the One who wants to enter your most intimate space and invite you to let go of what you are clinging to so anxiously.  ... Don’t be afraid to offer your hate, bitterness, and disappointment to the One who is love and only love. Even if you know you have little to show, don’t be afraid to let it be seen."

Dear God,
    I am so afraid to open my clenched fists!
    Who will I be when I have nothing left to hold on to?
    Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands?
    Please help me to gradually open my hands
    and to discover that I am not what I own,
    but what you want to give me.
    And what you want to give me is love—
    unconditional, everlasting love.

Source: Henri J.M. Nouwen,  2006. With Open Hands. Second revised edition. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer when watching storms

Praise be to God for his infinite mercies.

Indeed we praise you, O Lord, that in your strength and your power you show us your awesome power across the canvas of the sky. Through clouds, rain, lightening, and thunder claps, you tell a story. But not just of your awesome power, O Lord, but a story of your mercies that are unexpected... that show your tender love toward us. 

We know Lord that you have the power to crush the world and instead you crushed yourself. And by that act you offered life, shielding us from whatever we deserved. 

When mighty winds hit,
lightening strikes,
crashing calls of thunder shake the earth,

When hard rains and thick snow,
bitter cold and scorching heat 
come upon this earth,

May their fierce beauty set us in awe - 
their witness reminding us of your strength and power.

How you wield it rightly, justly, and with restraint. How you provide shelter and shields in your unfailing love.


Glory to God, for his sheltering love, extended to us.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer for spiritual growth

Dearest Father,

Open my spiritual eyes that I may see what is my inheritance in your Son.

Create a passionate zeal in me that I might grow into full spiritual maturity.

Each day, help me to water the fruit of the Holy Spirit within me.

Cause me to exercise faith as I release the spiritual gifts you have given me.

Bless me Lord that might be a blessing to others.

Help me to walk in your ways today and in the days ahead.

You are Lord.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

a prayer for inner strength

Dear Lord,

Your ways are loving and merciful.

Carry on your gracious work in us.

Give us what our human weakness cannot attain.

Help us to be strong on the inside.

Ground us in faith, hope and love.

Shine in our hearts and cause us to be loving people.

That all may witness your work on the earth.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


The Valley of Vision


Teach me to live by prayer as well as by providence, for myself, soul, body, children, family, church; 
Give me a heart frameable to thy will; so might I live in prayer, and honour thee, being kept from evil known and unknown.
Help me see the sin that accompanies all I do, and the good I can distil from everything.
Let me know that the work of prayer is to bring my will to thine, and without this it is folly to pray.
When I try to bring thy will to mine it is to command Christ, to be above him, and wiser than he:  this is my sin of pride.

I can only succeed when I pray according to thy precepts and promise, and to be done with as it pleases thee according to thy sovereign will.

Teach me that it is wisdom to pray for all I have, out of love, willingness, not of necessity; that I may come to thee at any time, to lay open my needs acceptably to thee.

Prayer from The Valley of Vision (Puritan Prayers)

A prayer of thanksgiving for new life in Christ

DEAR FATHER, we thank You that by Your mercy and grace,
   through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit
   by faith in Jesus Christ, Your Son, we have come to know You.
At the moment of salvation You anointed us by Your Spirit,
   who remains forever with us to teach us to understand Your truth.1

You have drawn us by the power of the gospel to the light of Your Word.
You have given us grace to receive the truth—
   we who were so deeply defiled by our own guilt;
   we who were once condemned to destruction
     under the righteous demands of Your justice.
Our very souls were corrupt; we lived in rebellion against Your law;
   our minds were hostile to Your truth; and
   our very lives were an offense to Your holiness.
We were hopeless until You gave us an eternal hope.
You have saved us by Your goodness, grace, and mercy.

But You sent Your Son to be our Savior—to rescue us from sin’s power
   by taking our guilt on Himself and dying to pay sin’s awful price.
Mercy and truth thus met at the cross;
   righteousness and peace kissed each other.2
Your wrath against sin was perfectly satisfied;
Your justice was fully vindicated;
Your truth was forever established;
Your grace was brilliantly magnified;
   and all the demands of Your law were perfectly fulfilled.
In the process, You lovingly brought us
   into a place of safety, honor, glory, and everlasting salvation!
You made us Your children and heirs—
   joint heirs with Your only begotten Son.3
Truly “there is one God, and one mediator also
   between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”4

As we contemplate all that Christ did for us on the cross,
   our hearts are filled with humble gratitude.
Surely He bore our grief and carried our sorrows.
He was pierced through for our transgressions,
   He was crushed for our iniquities;
   the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him;
   and by His scourging we are healed.5
He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross,
   so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.6
And You have graciously and tenderly drawn us to Him,
   the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls.

O Lord, what gifts these are to us!
Give us grace and pure hearts to worship in spirit and in truth,7
   that our praise may be acceptable to You.
May Christ Jesus be fully on display in us
   through both our words and our works,
   so that others may see and be drawn
     to the pure light of the gospel.
We ask these things in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

1  1 1 John 2:27-28

2  2 Psalm 85:10

3  3 Romans 8:17

4  4 1 Timothy 2:5

5  5 Isaiah 53:4-5

6  6 1 Peter 2:24-25

7  7 John 4:23

Taken from John MacArthur,  Jr. 2014. A Year of Prayer: Growing Closer to God Week after Week. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.