A prayer to find God in the midst of life's turmoil



    There are times when I need to be an island,
    Set in an infinite sea
    Cut off from all that comes to me
    But surrounded still by thee.
    Times of quiet and peace
    When traffic and turmoil cease
    When I can be still and worship thee
    Lord of the land and sea.
    Full tide and ebb tide
    Let life rhythms flow
    Ebb tide, full tide
    How life’s beat must go.


    I must be part of the mainland,
    A causeway between me and others.
    There are times when I can only find thee
    In working with my brothers.
    Times of business and industry
    Freeing ourselves from captivity.
    It’s when we give a helping hand
    We meet you, Lord of sea and land.
    Ebb tide, full tide
    Let life rhythms flow
    Full tide, ebb tide
    How life’s beat must go.

Adam, David. 1985. The Edge of Glory: Prayers in the Celtic Tradition. London: SPCK Classics.

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