a prayer when watching storms

Praise be to God for his infinite mercies.

Indeed we praise you, O Lord, that in your strength and your power you show us your awesome power across the canvas of the sky. Through clouds, rain, lightening, and thunder claps, you tell a story. But not just of your awesome power, O Lord, but a story of your mercies that are unexpected... that show your tender love toward us. 

We know Lord that you have the power to crush the world and instead you crushed yourself. And by that act you offered life, shielding us from whatever we deserved. 

When mighty winds hit,
lightening strikes,
crashing calls of thunder shake the earth,

When hard rains and thick snow,
bitter cold and scorching heat 
come upon this earth,

May their fierce beauty set us in awe - 
their witness reminding us of your strength and power.

How you wield it rightly, justly, and with restraint. How you provide shelter and shields in your unfailing love.


Glory to God, for his sheltering love, extended to us.

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