Psalm 119:165,167,168  "Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.  I obey your statutes, for I love them greatly, I obey your precepts and your statues for all my ways are known to you."

  “It fortifies my soul to know That, though I perish, Truth is so: That, howsoe’er I stray and range, Whate’er I do, Thou dost not change. I steadier step when I recall That, if I slip Thou dost not fall.”

Arthur Hugh Clough

Heavenly Father, how wonderful to know that though I often slip and stumble, You cannot fall.  You have me in your loving grip and you know when I'm prone to stumble and slip before I do.  Thank you for always holding me with your strong right arm!  Thank you for the peace we have when we love and study your Word.  We pray this in your Holy and Majestic Name, Jesus Christ.  Amen


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