A prayer for your new home

A new home … how exciting, Lord!

New adventures, new experiences … rooms to decorate, a space to call my own to get things just as I want them, a garden to tend, somewhere I can create my own identity.

Thank you for all the possibilities, Lord. I pray for happy times here, with family and friends.
And, Lord, please help me get rid of some of the junk I’ve accumulated over the years. Make my life simpler!

At this time of moving, may I also have a “spring-clean” of my own life to draw closer to you. May I get rid of some of the clutter that slows down my spiritual life.

Lord Jesus, I give you this new home. Come into it with your Spirit. May he fill every room. And I come to you with my life, too, Lord. I give my life again to you. Come and fill me afresh with your living Spirit in every area of my life.

In Jesus’ name,

From Martin Manser: A Book of Prayers. 

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