when we do not know how to pray

Lord, I do not know what I ought to be asking of you. You are the only One who knows what I need. You love me better than I know how to love myself.

O Father! – give your child what I do not know how to ask for myself. I do not dare ask for crosses or consolation. All I can do is present myself to you.

Lord, I open up my heart to you. Behold my needs – the ones that I am not even aware of. Look at them, and act according to your mercy. 

Bring suffering on me or heal me, cast me down or raise me up – I adore your will for me even when I do not know what it is.

I will remain silent, offering myself up and giving myself over completely to you. I no longer have any desire other than to accomplish your will.

Teach me to pray; may you yourself pray in me and through me. Amen

 -prayer of François Fénelon (1651-1715)

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