Praying for Peace

"the City of God" Psalm 46:4

Psalm 122:6-7 (NLT) 
"O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls and prosperity in your palaces. 8 For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “May you have peace....” 

Father you have chosen in your wisdom and will to place your name, dwelling and center of worship in Jerusalem, "the City of God" Psalm 46:4. It is remarkable how over the centuries it has been invaded, destroyed and seemingly eliminated from the nations. Yet, you have brought Jerusalem back to life, meaning and purpose again. What a glorious future awaits Her.  

So I pray Father for "the Peace of Jerusalem" knowing that in your time you will bring to fulfillment all the prophecies spoken of  "Jerusalem, the holy city."  Nehemiah 11:1 (NLT) 

I also pray for peace in our war stricken world knowing that someday there will be peace on earth and good will to all her inhabitants. 
Isaiah 62:1 (NLT) 
"Because I love Zion, I will not keep still. Because my heart yearns for Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent. I will not stop praying for her....."

In the name of Jesus who is our Savior and King and coming Prince of Peace. Amen.

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