in thanksgiving and trust

Thank You, dear Father in heaven, for the blessings and graces You have give me this day. Once more I entreat Your continuing protection. Conscious of my own weakness and frailty, of my many faults, I entrust myself to Your loving care.

I entrust to Your protection, loving Father, those dear to me, my relatives, friends, and all those around me. Be pleased, Eternal Father, to keep in Your care Your Church and all who serve You. Please assist also all civil officials to exercise authority justly, and to direct all our people according to Your will.

In Your loving and tender mercy, Lord and Father, assist especially those who are poor and deprived, those who suffer, and all who are without hope in this life unless You come to their aid. It is You alone Who can bring great good out of the worst evils by Your unbounded power. So we trust You to curb the malice of the wicked, to transform the lost, and bring us all to a knowledge of Your love.

These favors we ask in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your only Son, Who reigns forever with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, through all ages. Amen.

...adapted from "Prayers for Today," published by Leaflet Missal Co.

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