for my friends in texas

Each day I hear from different friends in Texas that are experiencing crisis level tragedies. Snow and harsh freezing temps have crippled their cities. Power is out and pipes are freezing. It is so hard to read their stories. Would you please join me in praying for these who are suffering?

We come to you Lord knowing that you have a heart of compassion and mercy for all who suffer. We simply ask you to help the people of Texas in this really hard time. 

We ask you to give wisdom to national and local leaders. Help them and others find ways to help those who were hit hard by the storms.

We pray that each person in this crisis might know that you love them and are with them as they suffer. Help each person to turn to you in trust. Give all a sense of community and caring for each other. We ask with hearts of love for the people in Texas.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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