Don’t fear the storm...

Powerful words from a beautiful song help us to understand the importance of a strong PRAYER life.

“I don’t want to fear the storm just because I hear the roar...”

We will always have storms in our lives. We will always have situations that seem unbearable and overwhelming.

But just because we hear the sound of an impending storm...

Just because we hear the roar of its approach...

We don’t have to fear. We don’t have to be afraid. We can know that God is near. He hears our cries. He feels our pain. And He is there.

The sound of a coming storm is a call for us to draw near. To pray. To cry out to the God who created us and loves us above all. 

“Oh peace be still,You are here so it is well.
Even when my eyes can’t see, I will trust the voice that speaks.”

We can know His voice. We can TRUST fully in who He is. 

When the storms rise, we must simply pray. It is a very  powerful weapon against the enemy of this world. 

Today... whatever the problem... pray and let God work.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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