a prayer for healing


We call out to You today as Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals, The great God of healing, the God of power and grace. Our bodies are tired, our hearts are sick, and we need You. We need Your healing power in our lives and in this world.

Lord, may every cry of ours go forth, giving way to our grief, knowing You have heard each groan, gathered each tear, and are holding each cry close to Your heart. As we come to the end of this year of trials, though we do not know what is to come, may we know You are near. We ask for Your mercy. Heal the racial strive in America, heal hearts that are prideful for their skin color and hearts angry for how they have been marginalized. Teach us, Lord, how we can be a soothing balm to heal those whose open wounds are raw from all that has happened this year and so many years past. Teach us a new way forward that honors You.

Jehovah Rapha, heals bodies broken from COVID. Cross this planet with Your mercy and bring about compassion and empathy for one another, wisdom for scientists, health care workers, and governing leaders as the virus continues to rage. Retrain it and us, O Lord. Call us to serve one another with humility and remind us that the freedom You give us as Your children is to be used to serve each other.

Heal the bitter hearts between Democrats and Republicans, in those governing and in those living in houses next to one another. Help us to find more common ground than differences, acknowledge where we are wrong, and see how we can live united. Teach us to love well.

Call us back to You, Lord, to our knees in worship and submission to all that You have called us to be. Give us eyes to see those who do not know You, and the willingness to be in relationships with those who do not know You so they may see Your light and be drawn closer to You and not further from You.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Call us back to you Lord. Give us eyes to see and willing hearts.


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