"I prayed for faith and thought that some day faith would come down and strike me light lightning.  But faith did not seem to come.  One day I read in the 10th chapter of Romans, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  I had up to this time closed my Bible and prayed for faith.  I now open my Bible and began to study, and faith has been growing ever since."  Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899)

Oh, gracious Father, how easy it is to pray for things and never see what the Word of God has to say about it.  We can know your mind, we can understand your will if we just open your Word and study it for ourselves.  It's you way of talking to us.   We all want to hear your voice, and we can through the Holy Scriptures.  May we be students of Your Word like D.L. Moody and read and study and pray and see YOU work in our lives so that it can bring glory to your Precious Name.  I love You.  Amen

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