a prayer for educators and students for new school year


This year's school year will be different. A lot different. It doesn’t look like we thought it would look, nor will tomorrow and the days to come likely be executed in the way we expected and prepared for. Help us to see the good in each day. Help us to find reasons to rejoice and ways to be glad. We are created in Your image, God, to do good and great things to bring glory to Your name. Each one of us, were created with specific purpose. And right now, especially for teachers, this purpose feel very hard.

Help teachers to have confidence in their call and their skill. They were meant to teach, educate, coach, counsel and lead. They are needed, appreciated, and loved. Their work and their efforts are never in vain. When it is hard to see the good, grab their attention, Father. Sustain them through our very real fear of what is and will happen in our world, God. Remind them we are not alone, even when they feel isolated.

For the boards of education, principals and staff of our schools, we pray blessing over their lives and their livelihood. May the leaders of our schools be blessed with wisdom and energized to inspire their staff in this difficult time. May the needs of students be seen, and God we pray Your provision to meet those needs. Bless our school secretaries, to find a place to serve and work in this new and unique situation. We pray for the channels of communication to remain open among the staff of our school systems. Keep them connected, socially, and working together for the greater good of each student. 

Thank You, Father, for technology allowing many students to continue their educations online. For virtual classrooms and technological resources. Thank You for every teacher and educator adjusting to the needs of ALL their students. Comfort them as they miss interacting with their students in person. Equip them with energy and inspiration to come alongside their students in this challenging time of crisis. Protect their health, Father, both physically and mentally. Encourage them to use their gifts and talents to find new ways to reach students.


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