Praying for Amanda

College Graduation Prayer for Amanda
June 13, 2020
Don Slaven, Grandpa

“I always thank my God when I pray for you…”
Philemon 1:4 (NLT)

Heavenly Father it is with great joy and respect that I have this opportunity to pray for Amanda. She has faithfully persevered in this wonderful accomplishment of earning her College Degree. It is a milestone reached; a mountain summit conquered and a dream come true. How satisfying and fulfilling it must be to have such success. To meet the challenge and overcome the struggle is a victory to be celebrated and acknowledged. We, her family and friends, do that today. By her example and determination she has inspired all of us to be diligent in our own personal pursuits.

Heavenly Father on behalf of Amanda:

I pray that she will continue life’s greatest journey. “Following God Consistently”

I Pray that she will grasps life’s greatest discovery - “Understanding God intimately.”

I pray that she will seize Life’s greatest adventure - “Worshiping God Faithfully.”

I pray you she feel Life’s greatest awareness - “Sensing God Closely.”

I pray that she will achieve Life’s greatest goal - “Seeking God Honestly.”

I pray that she will embrace Life’s greatest challenge - “Trusting God 

I pray that she will maximize Life’s greatest opportunity - “Giving God Priority.”

I pray that she will accept life’s greatest test – “Obeying God Enthusiastically.”

I pray that she will earn life’s greatest reward – “Serving God Conscientiously.”

I pray that she will read life’s greatest Book – “Hearing God Clearly.”

I pray that she will embrace life’s greatest relationship – “Loving God Dearly.”

I pray that she will discern life’s greatest fellowship – “Knowing God Personally”

I pray that she will experience life’s greatest emotion – “Enjoying God richly.”

I pray that she will demonstrate life’s greatest admiration – “Revering God Humbly.”

I pray that she will anticipate life’s greatest destiny – “Seeing God Eternally.”

Heavenly Father, in praying for Amanda, I ask for your grace, mercy and peace to be with her. I ask you to guide her in all of her pursuits and to help her achieve your purpose and will for her life.  It is a great day you have given Amanda to share with her family and friends. It is also a wonderful day to be remembered and to look forward to further adventures and achievements to come. We all love and value Amanda and ask for your abundant blessings on her life.

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you..….”
2 Corinthians 13:14 (NLT)

I ask this in the Name of the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our only Savior and Sovereign LORD. Amen

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