As I read the devotion this morning in the Daily Bread, I was struck that Ezekiel had the answer for the wickedness in our country. 

"But if a wicked person. . . does what is just and right, they will save their life."  God takes no pleasure in the death of anyone.  The Sovereign Lord declares, Repent and Live!  (Ezekiel 18:27)

Only God can change a hard wicked heart of stone into a heart of flesh and good.  The last four months have driven us to our knees for our country.  Wickedness abounds and we see the sinful nature of man left to his own ideas and devices.  Oh how we need to see SIN for what it is and Repent...so we can LIVE.

Dear Father God, You alone know what's in the heart of man and the wicked things that are being played out in our country.  We know you are Sovereign and You are in control and long to have us repent and turn back to God as a nation.  But Lord, it has to happen one heart at a time, so I pray and plead that hearts will be convicted and widespread repentance will come so You can heal our Land.

Father, give our leaders courage to stand for what is right and noble.  Help them to be fearless in the power of Your Word.  We know sinful nations are judged and we are feeling it.  Help the good and righteous people who Love You and Your Word prevail.   Amen

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