Psalms 62:2  "HE alone is my ROCK and my salvation.  HE is my FORTRESS,  I will never be shaken.

First of all, I want to thank all of your for your prayer support to me and my dearest, Don.  The stroke took us by surprise since he was recovering from CHF.  But God has been our ROCK and with that knowledge and assurance...We are not shaken, but see God using this to make us more in the image of Christ.  God never wastes trials and tribulations, but works them for our GOOD.

Father God, how I praise you for the mighty work of grace you are doing in our lives daily.  You want good for your children and use every event in our lives to work your miracles of grace.  We can say with Paul, "giving thanks for everything"  Father I'm thanking you right now for EVERY THING YOU HAVE PUT IN OUR LIVES THIS YEAR.  You are our Rock and our Fortress.  I love you deeply and dearly.  Amen.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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