breath prayers

I love the concept of short prayers that we can say or think in our daily lives. To me they are cries from our heart that express, in simple terms, our deep desires. They create in us an awareness of God's presence and our connection to him. They are raw, heartfelt and in the moment. Here are a few examples that I have used:

"Come Holy Spirit" - An invitation into our lives.

"I need your grace" - We get stuck and we need help from above.

"Lord have mercy" - Sometimes life is so overwhelming and we strength.

"I am sorry. Forgive me" - Needed words of repentance and contrition.

"Here I am" - Acknowledging our willingness to be used by the Lord.

"I trust you" - Good words when things seem so out of control around us.

"Not my will but your will" - So hard to speak but so necessary when we struggle.

"Your kingdom come. Your will be done." - When we are confused and helpless.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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