giving thanks when it doesn't make sense

Remember what the Holy One has done, and give him thanks! [Psalm 30:4 GNT]

There is something healing about the giving of thanks. We acknowledge God's goodness when we give thanks to him in the midst of struggle and pain. We seemingly reach back to times of divine blessings when we remember what God has done in our lives. Such memories can be an anchor in the storm.

I can relate to times of pain when all I had was a memory of the goodness of God. There is something about a memory that can cause me to be thankful. When my parents passed on my memories of them caused me to be thankful for their lives. I think that it is helpful to give thanks to God in hard times.

The issue, I believe, is whether we follow the loud shoutings of our head and ignore the small voice of our speaking heart. Our minds are somewhat rational and have difficulty giving thanks to God when it does not make sense to do it. Yet the heart has a different perspective because it has a different memory.

We remember what you have done in our lives Lord. And we give thanks.

For your presence in good times and bad. We give thanks.

For the people that you have placed in our lives. We give thanks.

For the ways that you work all things together for our good. We give thanks.

Fof the gift of your Son. Our hearts are filled with Thanksgiving.


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