a prayer for God's presence


Gracious and Holy God, we come before you today acknowledging your continued presence on this earth. You are not only everywhere, but you are here. Right here with us. This is power we cannot understand, but is power we can trust in. You are the only one worthy of our dependence, for you are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

We desire your presence, Lord! We want to not just know that you are here, but feel you here. We want to be open to how you are working in our hearts, and open to how you are working all around us.

We confess that our sin is a hindrance to experiencing your presence, but you stepped in to pay the price for our sin. You have overcome our sin and yet still we need help be mindful of your power. Our sin is not greater than your will. Help us be more aware of your presence, for it is always here.

All of your work ends with you dwelling with us. What a joy, what a reason to celebrate.


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