a thanksgiving Santa

My oldest daughter is ready to give birth to her 6th blessing any day now. Yesterday, after her doctor visit, we stopped at the mall for a little Christmas shopping and we had the most precious encounter with Santa Claus.

Here just a few days before Thanksgiving- the one day a year that we have carved out to be thankful- Santa was standing outside the mall ringing bells for the Salvation Army. As he noticed my daughters very pregnant belly, he asked what she was having and then he told her what a precious blessing that baby was going to be and that it was certainly one of the greatest gifts of God.

And then...

He asked us if we knew what the greatest gift of all is, and proceeded to share Jesus with us.

It was a nice moment shared between my daughter and I and Santa, as we were able to tell him that we indeed did know Jesus Christ.

As we walked into the mall, it made me smile to think about this Thanksgiving Santa and his boldness to share Jesus with strangers.

The point of this post?

Just a reminder to each of us to pray for courage and boldness to always be ready to spread the gospel. As we enter this season of thanksgiving, let’s remember who we give ALL thanks to. Let’s pray for continued blessings upon our families. Continued mercies upon our loved ones. But let’s pray for an increased desire to reach out and share the greatest gift of all. Jesus Christ.

“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15) HCSB


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