a prayer of thankfulness

Last Saturday I was in an Emergency Room for six hours. Sunday and Monday I was in the hospital. Monday morning I had a medical procedure. Such things bring clarity to life. And they can make one thankful. So please join me in thanking God.

Lord, I am so thankful for the ways that you work in the world. Bless those who are serving others today instead of being home with loved ones. Make your presence known to those who defend us in distant lands. Guide the hands and hearts of doctors, nurses and all who choose to heal. And strengthen those who fight crime and fight fires.

Thank you Father for the love that you pour into the world. For missionaries, domestic and abroad, who spread your light and love. For workers in food pantries, homeless shelters and free clinics we are so grateful. Bless each of these with the understanding that they are your hands and feet of mercy and grace in the world.

Lastly Lord, we give you thanks for all of the people who have been positive influences in our lives. Bless those who teach, inspire and help us to grow into the people you want us to be. Cause us to be people who say thank you to our parents, our spouses and our children. Help them to know, through us, how much they are loved.


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