Revelation 4:8  "Day and night they never stop saying "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come."

The passion of devotion lies in prayer.  The spirit of devotion fills the hearts of God's children and characterizes their worship.  The inspiration and center of their joyful devotion is the holiness of God.  That holiness of God claims their attention and inflames their devotion.

There is nothing cold, nothing dull, nothing lifeless about them or their heavenly worship.  What zeal!  The ministry of prayer, if it be anythinbg worthy of the name, is a ministry of passion, a ministry of tense longing after God and His holiness.

Father God, I long to be in Your presence, singing praises with a spirit of passion and devotion to You.  I love You,  Amen

~The Power of Prayer by E.M. Bounds


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