a prayer for purpose

Most High and Holy God,

We think of Esther 4:14 today, "And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” as we bow our heads in prayer today.

We acknowledge that you are sovereign and know all things of the future, present, and past.

We acknowledge that you plan and guide our very steps as we seek to serve you.

We acknowledge that you graciously give us strength and power to be your witnesses here on earth.

We stand in the truth that you have made us for a purpose.

Open our eyes to what is all around us, O God... what you have placed in our path. Help us to see the needs that you see, the people the way you see them, and your will as you  desire it to be fulfilled. And guide our steps, every single one, so that we may bring you glory.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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