Living in Light

Almighty Father,

We need help in our homes. Forgive us for our many family sins. We have not done what Your Word has clearly commanded. Bring the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children back to their parents. Show us how to live in the light of Your Son that the darkness of the world would be exposed. Teach us how to live in our marriages as followers of Jesus. Bring about a fruitfulness through  the church that will overflow into the world with a yield of much love and righteousness. We commit ourselves to prayer, seeking Your power for Your purposes. Grant boldness to your servants who bring Your Word in truth to Your people. Help us to walk in that truth. We love you with an undying love.
In Jesus name, Amen

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Family, and respect for the elderly, and spending quality time with our children...these are so important. Thank you for your prayer blog. I look forward to it every morning.


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