Dear Lord, once a year we pause to celebrate Father's Day.  Presents are bought, cards are sent, dinners are prepared because we want to say Thank You, for the love and provisions our earthly fathers have provided for us.  

Lord there are many who do not have a loving father, or even a father they know at all.  My heart goes out to those today who feel lonely because they do not have an earthly father to celebrate.

The Bible tells us our Heavenly Father will be a loving and kind father to the fatherless.  Today, I pray that those of us who know the Heavenly Father personally, through His son, Jesus Christ, will reach out to those who are less fortunate.  May our love and kindness break the bonds of loneliness and build a bridge to the fatherless.

Lord give me an opportunity today to say a word of encouragement to a Father.  To the father of my children and my son and son in laws and grandsons who are called "Father". 

We are very thankful for those men who have guided and provided for us.  We love you Father,  Amen.


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1 comment:

  1. Prayers to all the fathers out there . I lost my parents when I was 14:(



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