Thank you Lord for the good and the bad

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

We give you thanks O Lord for the good and the bad in our lives.

The good days knowing that you have and will continually provide for us. The bad days knowing that we are dependent on you at all times.

We thank you for the good people we are with who bless us and whom we bless. We thank you for the bad people we meet for reminding us of our fallen nature so we will not be proud and for whom we can show your love.

We thank you for good health knowing that we are made in your image and we reflect your perfection. We thank you for our bad ailments knowing that this body is temporal and we look forward to the promised resurrected body.

We thank you for good feelings because we are filled with your presence and you give us joy even in our sorrows. We thank you for bad feelings recognizing that we are not worthy of you and yet you call us your own.

We thank you for the badness of the cross where you have suffered and died for us and where our transgressions are washed away with your blood. We thank you for the goodness of your very self of whom we abide in for you are the resurrection and the life.


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