A Prayerful Response to Poverty

Beth recently shared this on her blog when reflecting on the poverty in Nicaragua:
"I have witnessed much poverty here. Poverty that took my breath away the first time I was exposed to it. Poverty that broke my heart. Poverty that I couldn’t comprehend." ... "I remember the first time I came to Nicaragua and encountered the depth of impoverishment that existed here. I was only here 8 days and the entire time I was in a state of shock that pretty much rendered me speechless to the situation in front of me. It didn’t completely sink in until the day I flew back home to Louisiana."
In response to a call to full time missions work Beth found herself praying this prayer:
"Lord, please don’t ever allow me to get used to this poverty. May I always see it and feel. May I never become accustomed to it where it doesn’t break me and change me."
I so agree with that prayer and offer these words to hers.

Give us hearts of compassion Lord. For the poor in Nicaragua. In America. And hurting people all over the world. Cause our hearts to be tender and open to change. Help us to never get used to poverty. Have mercy on us. Cause the pain of others to break us and transform us into caring servants in the Kingdom of God. In the name of Jesus.


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